Tips for scientific working

Tips for scientific working

There is much to consider and think about in scientific practice. Especially at the beginning of a research career, many things can seem overwhelming. How do I publish my research results? How do I handle data properly? How do I build a network? What about my public appearance? And how does external funding work?

Fortunately, there are people and organizations who have already made these experiences and share their reports and experiences via tips.
The WiSo research portal (German) and the following links should help you to find your way in the world of science more easily.

Seminarangebot des Graduiertenzentrums der FAU
FAU-Service für Forschende
FAU Competence Center for Research Data and Information | Research Data Management and Research Information
Satzung zur Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und zum Umgang mit wissenschaftlichem Fehlverhalten
Affiliationsleitfaden bei deutsch- und englischsprachigen Publikationen
Förderberatung des Bundes 
DFG – Förderprogramme
EU – Förderprogramme
BayFOR – Bayerische Forschungsallianz
Bmbf – Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung – Urheberrecht


Forschungsdatenmanagement und Forschungsinformationen (FAU) (only in German)

The FAU Competence Unit for Research Data and Information (CDI) is a central scientific institution supporting all researchers at FAU and Erlangen University Hospital with questions and tasks related to research data management and the research information system CRIS.

This includes advice on funding applications and the provision of services for the handling of research data and e-research projects.


Leibnitz Informations Centre for Economics – Open Science

The ZBW provides interesting insights and tips on scientific practice in a digitized world, with a special focus on the area of “Open Science”. Open Science aims to improve transparency and credibility in research.

The website provides well-structured information about Open Science as well as the Open Science magazine, which includes podcasts, articles, and practical tips (e.g., regarding science communication with social media). In addition, the website contains various chapters dealing, for example, with the management and networking of data.