Doctoral Procedure / Submission
Doctoral Procedure: Submission (Upload) and Opening the doctoral procedure (Promotionsverfahren)
Informations and documents can be found under “Opening of the doctoral procedure/Eröffnung des Promotionsverfahrens“.
Please pay attention to the individual PhD collection dates (PST) when making your appointment.
Please arrange an appointment with the Doctoral Office approx. 2 months before your planned submission date for the submission of your dissertation / opening of the doctoral procedure (Monday to Thursday, until 11 a.m.) – in coordination with your reviewers (reference to review submission date GAT).
At this point at the latest, you should inform us of the name of your second reviewer (note: in the case of an external second supervisor, please inform us approx. 6 months before submission).
Once you have made an appointment, you will receive all the necessary information from us by email.
Electronic opening (Upload) of the doctoral procedure:
When the procedure is opened electronically, the following documents are uploaded to DocDaten on the agreed date (each as a PDF upload):
1) Dissertation (DIS Proofreader’s version, use Title Page template),
2) Curriculum vitae (CV),
3) Publication list (LIS),
4) Declaration of Co-Authors (CO, if essay-based).
After uploading to DocDaten you send …
5) the “Application for the opening of the doctoral procedure/Antrag auf Eröffnung des Verfahrens (in German)” signed by you and your supervisor/first reviewer by email to the Doctoral Office.
On page 3, your supervisor/first reviewer also confirms the successful completion of the Doctoral Programme.
Important in the case of “Proof of requirements for Admission / Zulassungsauflagen”: Please also remember to submit the “Proof of requirements for Admission / Zulassungsauflagen (in German)” to the Doctoral Office, signed by your supervisior, by now at the latest.
6) No later than approx. 2 weeks after the electronic opening of the doctoral procedure …
submit your uploaded documents in paper form as well as a copy of your dissertation in proofreader’s version (Korrektorenversion) (A 4, perfect binding, double-sided) by post or in person by appointment to the Doctoral Office.
Postal address: Promotionsbüro, Ref. Forschung und Promotion, FB Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Findelgasse 7/9, 90402 Nürnberg, GERMANY
When the procedure is opened, the final title of your dissertation will be determined and entered into DocDaten by the Doctoral Office.
Please coordinate the form in which your dissertation will be handed over (option: electronic/print version) to your reviewers directly and independently.
Please be sure to check the data you have entered in DocDaten (title of dissertation, contact) and let us know of any changes.
Once the dissertation has been submitted and the first review has been received, the registration for the doctoral degree/start of the doctoral procedure can no longer be withdrawn. If the candidate withdraws from the examination after this point in time without good reason, the examination is deemed to have been failed. If the candidate is ill, a medical certificate must be submitted to the Doctoral Office.
Further specifications can be found in the the General Doctoral Regulations of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (RPromO) and the Faculty Doctoral Regulations (FPromO)
If you have any further questions, please refer to our FAQs or contact the team at the Doctoral Office.