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PhD collection dates (PST) and documents can be found here – “Opening of the doctoral procedure”.

From 1 October 2024, Prof. Dr Nicole Koschate-Fischer will take over the position of Dean of Research for the term of office until 30 September 2026 and thus, among other things, the chairmanship of the Doctoral Committee. We look forward to working with her. We would like to take this opportunit...

Category: Allgemein

At the end of February 2024, the Research and Doctoral Studies Department will be saying goodbye to its long-standing research advisor Dr Peter Wehnert. Peter has been supporting research advisor Dr Dennis Kirchberg and his team with great dedication since 2018 and is now taking on a new professi...

Category: Allgemein

Our colleague Elisabeth Müller was awarded the Sustainability Prize in the category "Campus & Operations" during FAU's 1st Sustainability Days. We are happy for Elisabeth and congratulate her on this well-deserved award!  

Category: Allgemein